About Diane Hill

Diane Hill is the Director of Communication for the Gender Equality Network Canada, a national network convened and facilitated by the Canadian Women’s Foundation. She has worked at the Foundation since 2011 and is the former Senior Director of Public Engagement where she oversaw all marketing, communications, public relations, and social media initiatives. As Senior Writer, she founded and edited the Foundation’s biannual magazine, SHE. Diane is a graduate of the Assaulted Women's and Children's Counsellor/Advocate program at George Brown College and has a Master of Environmental Studies from York University. A former auto mechanic, she has worked as a writer, communicator, and social issue researcher for over 20 years and is the former Director of Policy and Research at United Way Toronto. Her writing has appeared in the Huffington Post, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Reader’s Digest, and Best Health.

The Accidental Leader

2022-01-04T19:31:38+00:00April 16, 2014|Leadership, SHE Magazine|

She Magazine Cover A few weeks ago, I was driving from Lethbridge to Calgary with Heather Morley, our VP of Development and Community Relations in Western Canada when she told me a story about her nine-year-old daughter Lauren. Someone at school had shared a troubling secret, leaving Lauren in a difficult position. Should she remain silent or take action to avert a potential crisis? After talking to her mother, Lauren soon came to her own conclusion: “I guess I’ll just have to be a leader.” 

This brave nine-year-old was exactly right. Leadership is not about convincing others to follow you. In fact, leadership isn’t really about other people at all.

What’s your best leadership quality?

2022-01-04T19:05:26+00:00April 15, 2014|Leadership, SHE Magazine, Women in media|

Elder Mae Louise In every issue of SHE Magazine, we pose “THE BIG QUESTION.” In our next issue, our question is: “What’s your own best leadership quality?”

Here are the thought-provoking answers from five members of our Task Force on Trafficking of Women and Girls in Canada:

Elder Mae Louise Campbell, Grandmother Moon Lodge, Winnipeg, MB

10 Tips for Everyday Leadership

2022-01-04T16:44:36+00:00April 2, 2014|How to|

Woman in LeadershipLately, more and more people seem to be waking up to the fact that women’s style of leading through listening and collaboration brings enormous benefits to just about every kind of group you can imagine. That includes large and small businesses, nonprofit organizations, sports teams—you name it.

Since many women seem to naturally possess these abilities, we don’t necessarily need to learn a lot of new skills before we take on leadership. However, we may need to start trusting our own thinking and to gain the confidence to lead in our own way.

Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship

2024-04-24T19:06:21+00:00November 27, 2013|Gender-based violence|

As you may have heard on the news this morning, Simon Gittany was convicted today of throwing his girlfriend Lisa Harnum, a Canadian, off the 15th floor balcony of their apartment in Sydney Australia.

After the verdict was read, Lisa’s mother told reporters her daughter’s death was a “powerful wakeup call to young women and to parents, siblings and friends of these young women, to be aware of the warning signs of a controlling relationship and to take a pro-active approach to assisting them.”