Why Chris Rout wants to stop the violence

2017-12-19T18:43:40+00:00May 6, 2015|Gender-based violence, SHE Magazine|

Christopher Rout*This story contains details that may be triggering for some readers.

Growing up, Chris Rout and his brother were raised by their mother, Joanne, in a single-parent household. Although she struggled to support her young family, sometimes relying on donations of food and clothing, Joanne always made sure her boys knew how much she loved them.

Technology in Shelters: The risks and the benefits

2017-12-19T18:44:27+00:00May 4, 2015|Gender-based violence, Guest bloggers|

Girl with cameraThese posts were first published on the Interval House website and have been republished with permission.

Technology has had some very positive effects on our society. In fact, smartphones, tablets, apps, and other technologies can actually support empowering and advocating for women who are experiencing violence.

Unfortunately, there is an increasing trend in electronic violence against woman.

From Victim to Mentor

2022-01-14T19:41:21+00:00April 15, 2015|Gender-based violence, Sexual abuse, Women’s poverty|

Elizabeth sitting at a beachAs a young girl, Elizabeth Correia never expected she would one day publish a book and run her own business.

Born and raised in a low-income neighbourhood in the northeast end of Toronto, she grew up in a household where physical, sexual, and emotional violence was the norm. Her father was an alcoholic and often abused Elizabeth and her sister before they were placed in foster care.

Roses Are Red & Valentine’s Day is Straight

2017-12-19T18:49:14+00:00February 13, 2015|Gender-based violence|

Same sex couple smilingI can tell Valentine’s Day is coming because I’m getting tons of a promo emails that include such gems as “His & Her” mugs that look like they’re kissing when placed together. Ladies, maybe you’d like to buy your special guy an engraved bottle opener that fits in his wallet like a credit card? There are also long lists of gift suggestions for guys – apparently most men are clueless when it comes to gift buying?

The people who generate these emails seem to have caught onto the fact that single people like love too, because there are also lots of fun ideas for gifts to buy yourself.