Historic 2018 Federal Budget Sets Out a Path Toward Gender Equality

Toronto, ON – February 28, 2018 With its unprecedented focus on the needs of women and girls in Canada, the 2018 Federal Budget is a step forward for gender equality. It also addresses some key recommendations the Foundation put to the government last fall. The time is now to act on the issues that our Foundation and the women’s sector in Canada has been advocating for for decades. This budget can help us get there.

“In this budget, we feel like we were heard. It’s focused on equality in the workplace, tackling gender-based violence, and promoting gender equality. That matches well with our Foundation’s priorities and we know women and girls in Canada will benefit, so that’s promising,” says Paulette Senior, President and CEO of the Foundation.

In particular, the Foundation applauds the additional funding for sexual assault centres, as some areas of the country are desperately underserved. The Foundation is also encouraged to see investments being made in reaching teens and engaging them in discussions around gender equality. “That type of work – reaching youth to get to the root of the issues and stopping issues before they even start – is crucial for all genders,” says Senior.

Despite the budget’s various new investments to support and keep women in the workforce, there were no new investments in childcare. “Quality childcare that is affordable and accessible is something families have needed for decades. There was funding in the last budget, but we also need to make sure that will go far enough. We know the gender equality gap can’t close without it. For us, that lack of new investment is disappointing,” says Ms. Senior.

About the Canadian Women’s Foundation

The Canadian Women’s Foundation is Canada’s public foundation for women and girls. We empower women and girls in Canada to move out of violence, out of poverty, and into confidence and leadership. Since 1991, we’ve raised money and funded programs in more than 1,500 communities across Canada, and are one of the largest women’s foundations in the world. We take a positive approach to addressing root causes of the most critical issues facing women and girls. We study and share the best ways to create long-term change and bring community organizations together for training and to learn from each other. We carefully select and fund the programs with the strongest outcomes and regularly evaluate their work. We have a special focus on building a community of women helping other women. Helping women creates safer families and communities, and a more prosperous society for all of us. We invest in the strength of women and the dreams of girls.

For more information, please visit www.canadianwomen.org. Stay in touch with the Canadian Women’s Foundation by following us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, by joining our E-newsletter, and by reading our Blog.

For more information or for interviews with Canadian Women’s Foundation representatives:

Stacey Rodas

Manager of PR and Online Engagement, Canadian Women’s Foundation

[email protected]

416-365-1444 ext. 240

Editor’s Note: When referring to the Canadian Women’s Foundation, please use the full name. Please do not abbreviate or use acronyms.