A Bold, Steadfast Champion
Five-Year Strategic Plan, 2023-2028
In our contemporary context of change and challenge, we will be a champion, be bold, and be steadfast for gender justice and equality alongside our allies and supporters. Together we will innovate, make the right investments, and take the right risks so every woman, girl, and gender-diverse person has the power, safety, support, and rights to thrive.
The world as we know it has changed forever.
Unprecedented. Unthinkable. Unpredictable. For the last several years, these are the words we have been using to describe our times. They highlight the profound adaptations we have made to our set ways of living, working, and relating.
Since its founding in 1991, the Canadian Women’s Foundation, along with its community of partners, donors and grantees, has been at the forefront of naming the gendered impact of current events.
Our strong legacy has led to significant change in how Canadians view gender equality and gender equity, and how gender injustice entwines with and solidifies the forms of violence, racism, ableism, poverty, employment, and wellbeing that characterize our increasingly unequal world. Since 2020, we have been identifying and assessing the concurrence of several combined human rights and public health pandemics that were exacerbated by COVID-19.
We have drawn attention to the ongoing fault lines of inequality, such as the global pandemic of gender based violence; the deadly scourge of racism in Canada and beyond; the ongoing impact of colonialism on Indigenous peoples; the health and income disparities made worse for women and gender-diverse people living at the intersection of one or more identities, including: First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, Black, racialized, living with disabilities, 2SLGBTQIA+, youth as well as people who are migrants or sex workers. The role for the Canadian Women’s Foundation as a support with eyes on the critical issues of the day is more crucial than ever.
We know that emergencies including pandemics, economic downturns, and disasters, will keep coming.
We fund, support, and amplify the reach of the groups, organizations and initiatives that support those most vulnerable to these shocks. From them we know that many of the gendered impacts we’re facing can be prevented if we are bold, champion their work, and stabilize the sector to be steadfast.
The Canadian Women’s Foundation is known for our participatory grant making. We are a trusted leader that gets to the heart of what is needed. We marshal our deep knowledge to prioritize funds that focus on the strategies that are going to make a difference. We support communities who have been historically underfunded, and we are respected for not being afraid to try out new things, to take risks and learn from our actions.
Since our founding, we have been a responsive feminist movement-builder.
We marshal our effective and charismatic leadership to support local initiatives, lead public discussion and create national impact.
With this Strategic Plan, we are taking our commitment to the next level. With renewed vision, mission and organizational commitments, as well as strategic priorities to guide us over the next five years, we are coming into our own as an innovative, visionary, risk-taking foundation. This involves renewed investment in our infrastructure, people and systems.
We are thrilled to unveil the three strategic priorities that will guide our work from 2023 to 2028:
Be a Champion:
Advocate and Create Lasting Change
Be Bold:
Demonstrate our Impact
Be Steadfast:
Diversify and Invest in the Future
We invite you to join us in our compelling vision of what is possible. The Canadian Women’s Foundation will help the vision of a gender equal society that benefits everyone, become possible.

Paulette Senior
CEO and President

Laurie Young
Chair, Board of Directors
The Factual Context of Our Work
Our Planning Process
In September 2022, the Foundation’s Strategic Planning Advisory Committee initiated a planning process to renew our foundational statements, determine our long-term direction and identify strategic priorities to guide us over the next 3 – 5 years.
An environmental scan and S.W.O.T (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis process was conducted by There Management Consulting Inc., from October to December 2022. This process included:
- Online surveys;
- Interviews and focus groups with individuals and key stakeholders inside and outside of the organization;
- A review of internal documents and a selection of recent literature; and
- External research conducted by the consultants.
In February 2023, the Canadian Women’s Foundation Board of Directors and Staff participated in a strategic planning session to:
1. Confirm refreshed foundational statements; and
2. Develop strategic priorities to guide the organization over the next 3 – 5 years.
The draft strategic plan was created in February and approved in April 2023. Over the Spring, we developed an Implementation Plan to guide us in driving our mission and achieving our strategic priorities.
Advancing to the Next Level
The Canadian Women’s Foundation has grown in scope and impact since its founding. When we undertook this planning process, we were eager to gather feedback on how our vision, mission and values spoke to our current work. We wanted to infuse further clarity and accountability into everything we do.
We are delighted to present our refreshed foundational statements:
Our Commitment
We are a leader in feminist philanthropy. We mobilize, steward, and grant funds. We engage partners and donors and encourage them on their journey to feminist philanthropy. We generate and share knowledge on the root causes of and solutions to gender injustice.
We champion a spirit of shared responsibility for progressive change, restorative action, truth and reconciliation, and an end to systemic discrimination.
We fund, support, amplify, and participate in intersectional feminist movements. We engage a national network of community-based experts in pressing issues that affect women, girls, and gender-diverse people, with a focus on those who face multiple barriers, including First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities, Black and racialized communities, youth, people living with disabilities, 2SLGBTQIA+ people, newcomers, migrants, and sex workers.
We ensure impactful investments to organizations and groups and promote systemic change that will enable women, girls, and gender-diverse people to:
- Be leaders and build the next generation of leaders
- Break free from violence and poverty, and housing and food insecurity
- Gain economic independence and security
- Promote health, wellbeing, and healing
- Address gendered impacts of climate crisis and injustice
The organizations we work with:
- Address the social conditions that cause harm
- Develop urgent and emergent initiatives
- Have a strong track record of lasting impact
- Address barriers faced in mainstream social services
- Co-create and co-lead with affected communities
- Forge strong partnerships with other organizations and community leaders
Strategic Priorities
As the Foundation moves to actualize its vision, we have developed the following strategic priorities to guide us along the way.

Priority I

Priority II
Be Steadfast:
Diversify and Invest in our Future
Building from our herstory of strong performance, the Foundation will grow into our outsized role, strengthening our capacity to meet the challenges and priorities we identify. Ensuring a healthy balance of government support, philanthropic engagement, and investment revenue, we will retool our organization to ensure we are a resilient partner in the gender justice sector and for change-leaders and supporters who wish to be part of our work.

Priority III
Our Thanks
We would like to thank everyone in all our communities who generously gave their time and energy to help us chart a course for the future of the Canadian Womenʼs Foundation. We especially acknowledge the donors and grantees who participated in this process for their insightful contributions – their ideas and opinions were incredibly valuable to the process and have shaped what we are sharing with you here.
The Strategic Planning Committee led the planning process under a mandate from the Foundationʼs Board of Directors and with support from There Management Consulting Inc. This work was made possible because of their immense dedication and unwavering support of the process. We offer a special thank you to There Management Consulting Inc. for going above and beyond.
In addition, we want to express our sincere gratitude to our entire staff and management team and praise the steadfast leadership of our CEO & President in bringing this project to completion. This team has repeatedly demonstrated their unwavering commitment to the work and their ability to work together, adapt and innovate even in challenging conditions. We are exceptionally lucky to have you!
To our allies, donors, funders, volunteers, and partners: Thank you! Your generous and consistent support has made us what we are today, and what we commit to becoming.