
Click on the links below to download JPG / PNG logo files. Please adhere to the following logo usage guidelines:

  • The logo should never be smaller than 1.5 cm high to ensure clarity and legibility.
  • Always keep this surrounding area clear to ensure legibility and avoid visual interference.
  • The regular colour logo may be used on very light photographic backgrounds with flat even tone. Equally, the regular white logo may also be used on dark photographic backgrounds with flat even tone.
  • Do not change the colour of or move any logo elements.
  • Do not stretch or compress the logo in any way.
  • Do not apply any effects to the logo or change its typeface.
  • Do not outline the logo safety zone or fill it in with colour.

All logo usage must be approved by the Canadian Women’s Foundation. For more information about using the logo or to send proofs email sruddle@canadianwomen.org.

Pour télécharger un logo, cliquez sur la vignette correspondante. (JPG /PNG)
Toute utilisation du logo doit être approuvée par la Fondation canadienne des femmes. Pour obtenir plus d’information sur l’utilisation du logo ou pour parvenir les épreuves à sruddle@canadianwomen.org.



Canadian Women’s Foundation Logo Standards / Normes relatives à l’utilisation des logos de la fondation canadienne des femmes.