Canadian Women’s Foundation Applauds National Housing Strategy

Nov. 23, 2017

The Canadian Women’s Foundation welcomes the announcement of Canada’s first National Housing Strategy, with its significant $40-billion investment and its long-term, 10-year vision to provide inclusive housing for those most in need.

“It’s a new day in Canada when we wake up to news like this from our federal government. We’re seeing a gender-based analysis integrated into a National Housing Strategy. We’re seeing that 25 per cent of the Strategy’s investments will go to projects for women and girls,” says Paulette Senior, President & CEO of the Canadian Women’s Foundation.

“For the Canadian Women’s Foundation, the path to gender equality must include a strong commitment and plan for women and their children to access safe, affordable housing, and to ultimately end generational poverty.”

The Canadian Women’s Foundation applauds the recognition of housing as a human right, as well as the approach to align housing with other issues that can make women and girls vulnerable to homelessness, such as preventing gender-based violence, creating jobs, and increasing access to healthcare and education.

The Canadian Women’s Foundation also applauds the clear and ambitious targets, such as the goal to cut chronic homelessness in half, the creation of 100,000 new housing units nationally, and the repair and renovation of 300,000 existing units.

“We very much look forward to how this plan will be implemented, and to the substantial steps it will make towards finally building a gender-equal Canada,” says Ms. Senior.

For media interviews with our President & CEO or for more information, contact: [email protected]

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