About anthony@marsworks.com

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So far anthony@marsworks.com has created 76 blog entries.

Five Women Who Should Be Household Names In Canada

2018-10-18T14:29:31+00:00October 18, 2017|Women in media|

This post has been lightly edited; it was originally published on Canadian Museum for Human Rights' blog. A photo from the REDress Project Last year (2016) marked a century since some women in Canada first got the right to vote. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights shares the stories of many women in Canada who have fought for human rights. Some of them are very well-known, like Buffy Sainte Marie and Malala Yousafzai (an honourary Canadian citizen), while others aren’t as famous but really should be. This post, being republished today on Persons' Day during Women's History Month, is all about these lesser-known women – women who should be household names in Canada.

10 Inspirational Messages to Girls in Canada

2017-12-19T16:33:44+00:00February 21, 2017|Empowering girls, Women in media|

Girl smilingIt’s an unfortunate fact: Every single day, girls in Canada are exposed to thousands of media messages telling them how to look, think, and feel.

The impact of this on girls’ well-being is serious: We know that through constant exposure to sexualized imagery, women and girls learn that their primary value comes from their physical appearance.

We also know that when girls are socialized to obsessively focus on their appearance, they pay a steep price.

All this made us wonder: What would happen if girls were in the position to create the messages they see?

Taking the Power Out of Body Shaming

2017-12-19T16:51:36+00:00September 29, 2016|Empowering girls, How to, Women in media|

Young woman sitting under treeCan you think of the last time you were body shamed?

I can. It was two months ago at a hair salon. I had taken a vacation day and there I was sitting in the salon chair, so excited to try out a new style. It was a teaching salon and the instructor was looking to show the student what might be a good style for me. As I made suggestions and showed photos of what I like, they were speaking as if I wasn’t even there – “don’t cut it here – look how WIDE that makes her neck look!”