About Nelly Bassily and Airin Finkelstein
Nelly Bassily is an intersectional feminist, sexual rights, and anti-racism activist and media maker with over 12 years of experience in the non-profit sector. Born to Egyptian parents in Montreal, immigration, diaspora, and identity also inform her activism. She is currently a project officer at DAWN Canada and focuses her work on young women with disabilities and Deaf young women. Previously, she worked on the young feminist activism program at the Association for Women's Rights in Development. She is currently learning American Sign Language and co-hosts a feminist radio show called Des sorcières commes les autres on CKUT 90,3 FM.
Airin Finkelstein is a queer and invisibly disabled writer, theatre maker, and naturalist skill enthusiast who is currently pursuing their master’s degree in drama therapy in Montreal. They hope to help create a space where people can interact in a playful and empathetic way so that they can learn to relate to themselves in this way (or vice versa).