About Pamela Johnson

Pamela Johnson is Program Teaching Staff with the Canadian Women’s Foundation Leadership Program – a national program for women leaders working in the community economic development (CED) and non-profit sectors. Pamela brings over 20 years’ experience working and volunteering in the non–profit and CED sectors and strong commitment to social justice issues impacting women. As an experienced facilitator, administrator, and researcher, her interests focus primarily on the topics of inclusion, adult education, and professional development and human resources. For more information about the International Centre for Women’s Leadership, Pamela can be reached at [email protected]

You Cannot Reduce Poverty if Women Can’t Work

2017-12-19T16:39:14+00:00November 14, 2016|Guest bloggers, Impact stories, Women’s poverty|

Jahangir SultanaThis post was originally published on the Coady International Institute’s blog.

Sultana Jahangir has seen too many educated women lose their dreams. It’s why the Bangladeshi-born founder of the South Asian Women’s Rights Organization (SAWRO) in Toronto is laser-focused when persuading politicians and bureaucrats to do the right thing.

“Two out of three women who use our services have a master's degree, but have trouble finding work,” she says.

How to Put Yourself First (Really!)

2017-12-19T17:09:41+00:00April 14, 2016|Guest bloggers, How to, SHE Magazine|

Two women in cafeDoes the idea of putting yourself first seem radical? Does your inner voice say: “That’s selfish!”

In my work with women who run community economic development and non-profit organizations, I hear a lot about the struggle to find time for self-care and to set healthy personal/professional boundaries.

There are entrenched social norms that say women should put others first. We’re not always rewarded for being assertive, and we’re not socialized to take leisure time. Self-care is even harder for women in particular situations. For example, single working moms usually can't afford to pay someone to take care of their kids so they can take some personal time.

Advocating for women in the criminal justice system

2017-12-19T17:10:42+00:00March 31, 2016|Guest bloggers, Impact stories|

Katherine AlexanderThis profile was originally published on the Coady International Institute’s website.

For Katherine Alexander, seeking justice for women in the prison system is more than a work obligation.

Alexander, executive director of the Elizabeth Fry Society in Whitehorse, was one of 24 women chosen for the 2015 Canadian Women’s Foundation Leadership Institute at Coady.

Spending at least one day a week at the Whitehorse Correctional Centre and once a month at the Abbotsford Institution, she works to build relationships with the incarcerated women. She advises them of their rights, helping to amplify their voices both inside and outside of the prison. She also works with other women’s services in the territory that help inmates transition back into the community.

Inspired leadership for women and girls in the Yukon

2017-12-19T17:13:51+00:00February 24, 2016|Guest bloggers, How to, Impact stories|

Hillary AitkinThis profile was originally published on the Coady International Institute’s website.

For Hillary Aitken, a graduate of the Canadian Women’s Foundation Leadership Institute at the Coady International Institute, co-managing the Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre (VFWC) in Whitehorse while raising a bubbly and bright two year old are keeping her very busy, but she is ready for her next foray into a post-secondary program.  Aitken says her experience working through the Leadership Institute helped position her for a masters degree in community development.  She has applied to the program in Victoria, B.C. and we have no doubt she will approach this next endeavor with the same commitment and skill as she did in her time with the Coady Institute.