About Shari Graydon

Shari Graydon is an award-winning author, former newspaper columnist and the founder of Informed Opinions, which is amplifying women's voices for a more democratic Canada.

How to Disregard Criticism by Applying the “Reasonable Man” Test

2017-12-19T16:36:29+00:00January 18, 2017|Corporate, Guest bloggers, How to, Women in media|

Woman in blazer standing outsideThis post was originally published by Informed Opinions’.

Celebrated American poet and critic, Ezra Pound, in his considered advice to beginning poets offered the following advice: “Pay no attention to the criticism of men who have never themselves written a notable work.”

But he could have been speaking to female opinionators a century later. So many of the trolls who trash women daring to comment in prominent places “have never themselves written a notable work.”

7 Ways to Get Heard at Meetings

2017-12-19T16:39:04+00:00November 15, 2016|Corporate, Guest bloggers, How to|

Miss Triggs CartoonThis post was originally published by Informed Opinions.

You can tell how old this Punch cartoon is by the honorific applied to the sidelined “Miss” Triggs.

But sadly, even though it was first published more than half a century ago, including it in a slide deck in 2016 still elicits the laughter of recognition.

What stops you from speaking up at meetings?

How to Write an Opinion Piece

2016-08-11T12:40:31+00:00August 11, 2016|Guest bloggers, How to, SHE Magazine, Women in media|

Woman writing in notebookEvery day, they help to shape our world. We nod our heads in agreement, or rage at their stupidity. They move the needle on public opinion, provide a handy pool of experts for radio hosts, inspire armchair pundits—even influence politicians.

Written opinion pieces are a powerful tool. At their best, they bring invisible issues to light, add diverse voices, and allow “regular people” (maybe you!) to have their say.

Most newspapers and many websites welcome submissions that are timely, well-written, and well-reasoned, from people who know what they’re talking about. Women must be an equal part of these discussions.