Day 6: Why the question “Why doesn’t she just leave?” hurts my ears

2017-12-19T17:26:30+00:00November 30, 2015|Gender-based violence, Guest bloggers|

Woman looking at cameraOne of the most common misconceptions about domestic violence is that it occurs within a relationship, and ends when the relationship does. Leaving a relationship does not stop the abuse. They are separate issues only connected by the individuals involved.

Recently in the Edmonton area there have been two high profile domestic murders that shine light on the enduring nature of domestic abuse. Both women were murdered long after the relationships had ended. The first, Nadine Skow, had broken off the relationship more than a year prior to her ex-partner breaking into her home and stabbing her 17 times. She had moved across the province to hide from him. She was preparing to move again. The second, Colleen Sillito, had sought police protection and had a Court Order barring him from contacting her; he had already violated the Order at least once. She was also in a new relationship. But the abuse did not end. In both cases, the women had taken significant steps toward protecting themselves.

Day 5: The Myth of Access to Justice for Women in Canada

2017-12-19T17:26:50+00:00November 29, 2015|Gender-based violence|

Dictionary definition of justiceShe sat next to me, staring down at her hands holding the last crumpled tissue from the pack I brought along for our first of several days in court. Of all the items I carried in my volunteer pack, tissues always seemed to get the most use. I could barely stand to look into her pain-filled eyes as she turned to me and whispered, “Please tell me this will be worth it.”

In 2011, Canada was ranked 9 among 12 North American and European countries in an analysis of access to justice. Increasingly, the gap between who qualifies for legal aid and who can afford legal advice and representation widens. And like with most social issues, women are impacted in more profound and complex ways. Double, triple or even quadruple that impact for those who sit at the intersectionality of gender, race, culture, socioeconomic or immigration status. The result is an astounding number of women self-representing in civil or family court matters, or feeling completely helpless as the victim in the midst of criminal court proceedings.

Day 4: Leave? Easier Said Than Done

2017-12-19T17:27:01+00:00November 28, 2015|Gender-based violence, Infographics, SHE Magazine|

Woman looking at cameraIt’s one thing to come to terms with being in an abusive relationship.

It’s another to find a safe way out of that relationship when you have five young children.

For Christina*, who shared her story with SHE magazine, it required a huge leap over a chasm of uncertainties. There were safety, financial, legal, and emotional issues to consider as she tried to get through each day.

How can I end our marriage? What if he comes after me? How will I support the children? What if they miss their dad?

Day 3: A Walk in the Park

2017-12-19T17:27:10+00:00November 27, 2015|Gender-based violence|

Park at nightThis article was originally published on the Huffington Post.

The park is almost dark.

It’s only 5pm, but here in the Northern Hemisphere we’ve all just switched to daylight savings time, so by the time I step onto the asphalt path the lampposts in the park are already on.

The park is a large triangular wedge of grass and trees tucked into a residential neighbourhood of wartime bungalows that are slowly being replaced by someone’s idea of a suburban dream home. To the north of the path is a sort of marshy area with tall reeds and shrubs that graduate into wooded wilderness up by the railroad tracks.