Why Equality Still Matters

2017-12-12T19:30:43+00:00October 19, 2015|Corporate, Guest bloggers, SHE Magazine|

Woman in b&w

I was recently invited to take part in a discussion about why it matters there are so few women on corporate boards of directors and in senior executive roles. At first, I was surprised we are still debating such a fundamental question. But as I pondered the theme, I realized there is still at least one critical difference of opinion about this topic.

I’ve interviewed many senior business men and women about their efforts to boost the number of women on boards, and they all agree improving diversity in senior roles is important because it improves their bottom-line profitability. The universal argument is: “It’s good for business.”

Straight Outta Misogyny: From the Big Screen to the Bigger Picture

2017-12-19T17:32:30+00:00October 16, 2015|Gender-based violence, Guest bloggers, Women in media|

Woman looking awayOk. I’m going to make a lofty attempt to connect the misogynoir* and misogyny in Straight Outta Compton - Dr. Dre’s violent past and Ice Cube’s women vs. bitches theory - to state sanctioned violence against women/female bodied people (FBP). This violence is in large part due to global socio-political histories that continue to impede women’s progress and autonomy, particularly racialized women.  I’m hoping that the more people who engage the topic of misogynoir/misogyny from this perspective, the more likely we’ll see a change in policy and social norms informed by the state*.

Twenty years ago, Dre assaulted Dee Barnes and other women.

How can we hold employers accountable for preventing sexual harassment?

2017-12-19T17:35:54+00:00September 24, 2015|Gender-based violence, Guest bloggers|

Woman in office smilingThe recent news of former Ontario premier and TO2015 chairman, David Peterson, being sued for sexual harassment marked the latest installment in an onslaught of high-profile reports of women being sexually harassed on the job.

Ximena Morris, a manager with the Pan and Parapan American Games, reports receiving numerous flirtatious remarks, unwanted hugs and comments of a sexual nature from Peterson, some of which humiliated her in front of colleagues and distinguished visitors associated with the Games.  More disturbingly still, Morris was reportedly told by HR and other senior officials within her organization to whom she complained about the sexual harassment to “let it roll off her back”, before ultimately being demoted.

Debt Struggles Create a Burden of Comparative Poverty for Women

2017-12-19T17:37:59+00:00August 19, 2015|Guest bloggers, Infographics, Women’s poverty|

Woman in black and whiteIt’s not just a low income that creates the burden of struggling to make ends meet. A recent study by my firm, Hoyes, Michalos & Associates Inc., shows that women are increasingly turning to debt as a way to survive on a modest income, often to their detriment.

Not surprisingly, almost half of all insolvency filings are made by women.  What is alarming is that women have to turn to bankruptcy for significantly lower debts. In fact, women are filing bankruptcy with debts that are one-third less than that of male insolvent debtors.