At What Cost: The Road to Anti-Trafficking is Paved with Good Intentions

2022-01-04T15:48:39+00:00February 11, 2014|Guest bloggers, Human trafficking|

This post was originally posted on the author Rachel Lloyd's blog at GEMS and is re-published with the authors permission. 

Today I was humiliated. Publicly. It happened at an anti-trafficking event where I was presenting to over 100 law enforcement and I'd just finished a solid, engaging presentation that acknowledged the fact that I was survivor but that didn't go into details about my 'story', concentrating instead on the issue itself, how far we've come and how far we still need to go.

Honour Beverley Wybrow

2022-01-04T15:40:10+00:00December 16, 2013|Corporate, Guest bloggers, Impact stories|

Bev WybrowIn just over a month, our current President and CEO Beverley Wybrow will retire from the Canadian Women's Foundation. 

To celebrate Bev's outstanding leadership and devotion to the Canadian Women's Foundation, a fund has been set up in her honour. In lieu of a retirement gift, consider a donation to the Beverley Wybrow Fund that will help support transformative work to move women out of poverty, out of violence and into confidence.

We invite you to share your favourite memory or cherished highlight of Bev's career in the comment section below.  These messages will be collected and shared with Bev in the New Year.