How to Leverage Your Strengths

2016-04-05T13:17:49+00:00April 5, 2016|How to, Infographics, SHE Magazine, Women’s poverty|

Woman looking awayAre you too hard on yourself? Do you tend to focus on your limitations rather than your strengths? You’re not alone. As women, we often find it easier to see our flaws than our abilities.

But in my work with low-income women, I’ve learned the value of taking a more positive approach. For them, learning to recognize their ’hidden’ assets is often the catalyst to taking those first difficult steps out of poverty.

Every woman who attends one of the economic development programs we fund is asked to fill out a special questionnaire. It captures all of her assets—not just how much money she has but also things like friendships, self-confidence, and leadership skills. This approach is grounded in the Sustainable Livelihoods framework we’ve been developing over the past 15 years. The women learn first to notice all of their assets, then to leverage them to reach their goals. One participant said, “mapping my assets was an ‘aha moment’ and a positive way of looking at my current reality.”

Girls Love Science!

2016-03-29T15:46:24+00:00March 29, 2016|Empowering girls, How to, SHE Magazine|

Girl with microscopeWhat’s the best way to teach kids to wash their hands to prevent the spread of disease? Show them how fast germs can spread using chemicals and a black light.

How can you get girls interested in math? Ask them to budget for a water filtration project to provide clean water for communities.

These are just two simple examples of how Actua, an innovative national organization, helps girls to discover exciting careers in STEM (science, engineering, technology, and math).

“We know young girls are really interested in science,” says Jennifer Flanagan, CEO of Actua. “But that interest can start to wane if it’s not supported.”

11 Ways Dads Can Help Raise Strong Daughters

2016-03-16T13:00:17+00:00March 16, 2016|Empowering girls, Guest bloggers, How to|

Mike Reynolds' daughter playing drumsThis post was originally published on Puzzling Posts.

Six nights out of seven, our oldest daughter, now a very proud “five and three quarters,” will fall asleep with a book on her chest. The book often changes—sometimes it’s about Christmas carollers, sometimes it’s a book about Barbie becoming a doctor. Sometimes she reads the same books about animals that I read when I was growing up and sometimes she reads stories she’s helped write herself.

Her mind, at this point, is incredibly fertile, and it’s an amazing privilege for us to be able to watch the many plants start to grow in that amazing young mind of hers. But it’s also terrifying how easy it is for seeds we didn’t plant to take root.

How Girls’ Group Mentoring Makes a Difference

2016-03-14T13:05:34+00:00March 14, 2016|Empowering girls, How to|

Two girls smilingHow do we know that mentoring programs make a big difference in girls’ lives?

Because the girls tell us:

For once, I feel like I belong somewhere.”

“It makes me feel happy because I am with people I know, and I know everyone there has something different to share every time, and I feel like I have a whole second family.” 
“My mentors taught me that it is OK to be me. They also taught me to love myself.”