Learning from Canada’s Aboriginal Women Leaders

2019-03-07T15:29:16+00:00January 26, 2016|Corporate, How to|

Paper chain of women holding handsIn the fall, some colleagues and I attended a panel hosted by TD’s Diversity & Inclusion Centre of Excellence, chaired by TD’s Monique Bateman, Special Advisor, Aboriginal Relations. There, we listened to three inspiring Chiefs talk about leadership.

Right away I was struck by how—unlike during the leaders’ debates aired during the countdown to our federal election—the panelists did not once interrupt each other. They each waited patiently for the moderator’s questions and answered in turn, when asked. Their answers were smart, thoughtful, and carefully considered.

Tips for Writing While Feminist

2017-12-19T17:28:33+00:00November 11, 2015|Gender-based violence, Guest bloggers, How to, SHE Magazine, Women in media|

Woman writing in notebookI am a confident writer, always have been. But I recently chanced on a column I’d written in 2004 by that hang-about village idiot, Bill O’Reilly, on Fox News, and my blood froze. That was the year I was first hit by online bursts of hate. I’d reached the 10-year point at which the wonderful U.S. journalist Michelle Goldberg has suggested that online feminist writers might well burn out. A decade of being called a “c—t” and an “ugly bitch”? It saps the soul.

But I keep writing about equal rights, and so do most feminist journalists. It’s worth doing, not only because it’s how we earn our pay, and not only for moral reasons. I’m thinking of our daughters, and granddaughters. Imagine the bleak future they’re going to have if we back down now. We’re headed into hard times, and they’ll be that much harder for women without power, without public voices.

Want to make a positive difference? Here are 5 ways to take action

2017-12-19T17:28:50+00:00November 9, 2015|Gender-based violence, How to|

Woman and dandelionWhen you want to achieve an important goal, it often helps to set a deadline.

So how about a deadline of 16 days?

The goal? To help end violence against women.

We know it’s a tall order, so don’t worry, you’re not in it alone! Women and organizations around the world will be be participating in the global 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign.

8 Gendered Questions to Ask Yourself During this Election Campaign

2017-12-19T17:36:57+00:00September 15, 2015|Gender-based violence, How to, Women in media, Women’s poverty|

Woman with tabletThe federal election is just around the corner, and during this long campaign a mighty alliance of women’s organizations and their allies across Canada have been working tirelessly to engage our political leaders on issues of importance to women. Up for Debate has not only raised public awareness of a blind spot when it comes to gender issues in Canada’s political discourse, but has also carved out an important space for conversations on violence against women, women’s economic inequality, and the need for more women in leadership positions.