The Price We Pay for Domestic Violence

2016-05-04T20:04:57+00:00May 4, 2016|Gender-based violence, SHE Magazine|

Image of dollars and dollar signEvery hour of every day, a woman in Alberta will experience some form of interpersonal violence from an ex-partner or ex-spouse.* That’s one of the chilling facts discovered by Lana Wells, the Brenda Strafford Chair at the University of Calgary, in her groundbreaking report “Preventing Domestic Violence in Alberta: A Cost Savings Perspective.” Her research was funded by the Canadian Women’s Foundation and coauthored by Casey Boodt and Dr. Herb Emery.

“We didn’t know the full economic costs of domestic violence,” Wells says. “I wanted to build a business case so government would have strong data to make better decisions on funding and policy.” Her findings were startling enough to convince the Province of Alberta to make a significant investment in additional research and to spend the next two years developing a new policy framework designed to prevent family violence.

The Journey to Voice

2016-05-02T12:15:09+00:00May 2, 2016|Gender-based violence, Sexual abuse, SHE Magazine|

Woman with striped shirtIn a sparsely furnished meeting room in suburban Ottawa, a group of young women sit in a circle, talking quietly. Outside, you can tell spring is on the way.

The women are members of Young Women at Risk, a weekly support group for women who have experienced violence. Each Thursday, they meet in a former classroom of a converted school, now an outreach centre for young mothers. The room contains a few chairs, a children’s playhouse in primary colours, two diaper change tables, and a folding table with an urn of stale coffee. The sound of children on their way to the playground can be heard echoing out in the hallway.

It’s Time to Recognize Women’s Strength

2016-04-19T13:08:02+00:00April 19, 2016|SHE Magazine|

Woman in auto shopWhen I was 19, I was an apprentice mechanic. I spent my days rotating tires, changing engine oil, and doing tune-ups. I was fascinated by cars and it paid a lot more than my previous factory jobs.

At the time, I was one of two female mechanics in the entire province of Ontario—so unusual that astonished customers would gape at me. Some didn’t want me touching their car; others lurked nearby while I worked, certain I didn’t know what I was doing. One businessman in a nice suit was so alarmed when I lifted the spare tire out of his trunk he tried to grab it away from me, getting his hands filthy in the process. Despite this, I loved my job.

How to Put Yourself First (Really!)

2017-12-19T17:09:41+00:00April 14, 2016|Guest bloggers, How to, SHE Magazine|

Two women in cafeDoes the idea of putting yourself first seem radical? Does your inner voice say: “That’s selfish!”

In my work with women who run community economic development and non-profit organizations, I hear a lot about the struggle to find time for self-care and to set healthy personal/professional boundaries.

There are entrenched social norms that say women should put others first. We’re not always rewarded for being assertive, and we’re not socialized to take leisure time. Self-care is even harder for women in particular situations. For example, single working moms usually can't afford to pay someone to take care of their kids so they can take some personal time.