About Diane Hill

Diane Hill is the Director of Communication for the Gender Equality Network Canada, a national network convened and facilitated by the Canadian Women’s Foundation. She has worked at the Foundation since 2011 and is the former Senior Director of Public Engagement where she oversaw all marketing, communications, public relations, and social media initiatives. As Senior Writer, she founded and edited the Foundation’s biannual magazine, SHE. Diane is a graduate of the Assaulted Women's and Children's Counsellor/Advocate program at George Brown College and has a Master of Environmental Studies from York University. A former auto mechanic, she has worked as a writer, communicator, and social issue researcher for over 20 years and is the former Director of Policy and Research at United Way Toronto. Her writing has appeared in the Huffington Post, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Reader’s Digest, and Best Health.

When it comes to consent, we all need to go back to school

2017-12-19T17:36:33+00:00September 17, 2015|Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, Sexual abuse, Women in media|

Teens taking selfieThis article was originally published on the Huffington Post.

Well, back-to-school season is in full swing—time for new backpacks, the latest tablet, and trips to IKEA to furnish the dorm room.

It’s also time to talk about sexual consent.

At college and university frosh weeks across Canada, presentations on conversations about consent and rape culture are increasingly being added to the usual picnics, movie nights, and pop up cafes. Some universities have worked with local women’s organizations to create brilliant educational campaigns, like this one at McMaster. At its Ayamdigut campus in Whitehorse, Yukon College made informed consent the centerpiece of its entire orientation week. And it seems some post-secondary institutions will do just about anything to get the kids interested—in Halifax, Mount Saint Vincent University followed its discussion about consent with a round of sex toy bingo.

Who’s afraid of consent?

2015-09-08T15:48:46+00:00September 8, 2015|Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, Sexual abuse|

GetConsent.caWhat do haircuts, fries with gravy, and heavy metal bands have to do with consent? Everything.

You tell the hairdresser: “Just a trim, please.” You get the worst hair day ever.  

You ask for some gravy on your fries. You get a bucket of it. All over your table.

You mention it might be nice to have music at your birthday party. You get the band from hell.

You’d never think such simple requests would lead to such disaster, but that’s exactly what happens in this new video from the Canadian Women’s Foundation’s Get Consent campaign.

Ancient wisdom helps women move out of violence

2017-12-19T18:38:02+00:00June 16, 2015|Gender-based violence, Impact stories|

Shannon Buck"For me, it's about women reclaiming their place in the circle of life," says Shannon Buck, Program Coordinator of the Red Road to Healing program in Winnipeg.

In 2010, thanks to a grant from the Canadian Women's Foundation, Shannon created a new program for Aboriginal women who experience domestic violence. Though the program was brand new, it was based on ancient Aboriginal teachings.

“Originally, this land was run by matriarchal societies,” Shannon says. “Women were the healers and the leaders. By bringing those teachings back, we help women remember their value.”

To Create Change, We Must Connect

2017-12-19T18:39:21+00:00June 8, 2015|SHE Magazine, Women’s poverty|

When my dog Lucy was young we volunteered as a therapy dog team in a seniors’ home, visiting people with Alzheimer’s. Some people didn't respond but others perked right up when we came into the room.

I always brought a dog brush because many of the seniors loved to groom Lucy even though their hands were very weak. For people who were totally dependent on others, it was a rare opportunity for them to offer care to another being.

Humans need connection—it’s what brings meaning to our lives. But it only works when it’s a two-way street.