About Diane Hill

Diane Hill is the Director of Communication for the Gender Equality Network Canada, a national network convened and facilitated by the Canadian Women’s Foundation. She has worked at the Foundation since 2011 and is the former Senior Director of Public Engagement where she oversaw all marketing, communications, public relations, and social media initiatives. As Senior Writer, she founded and edited the Foundation’s biannual magazine, SHE. Diane is a graduate of the Assaulted Women's and Children's Counsellor/Advocate program at George Brown College and has a Master of Environmental Studies from York University. A former auto mechanic, she has worked as a writer, communicator, and social issue researcher for over 20 years and is the former Director of Policy and Research at United Way Toronto. Her writing has appeared in the Huffington Post, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Reader’s Digest, and Best Health.

Two Reasons Canadians Are Confused About Sexual Consent

2017-12-19T18:39:44+00:00May 28, 2015|Gender-based violence|

CoupleThis article was originally published on the Huffington Post.

Imagine if most people who got behind the wheel of a car didn't understand the rules of the road.

There would be chaos on the highways and accidents at every corner. People would get hurt. It wouldn't take long for the public to insist something be done to educate drivers.

So why do we accept the same lack of knowledge when it comes to consent for sexual activity?

Christopher’s story: Why men need to speak out about violence against women

2017-12-19T18:40:51+00:00May 21, 2015|Gender-based violence, Impact stories|

Chris RoutWARNING: This story contains details that may be upsetting to some readers. 

My brother and I were raised by our mother, who was a single mom. We struggled financially, lived in one bedroom apartments, and relied on donations for food, Christmas gifts, clothes, etc. For a while we even lived in one room in a rooming house! But we always had an abundance of love. My mom always went out of her way to make sure my brother and I were happy and knew how much she loved us.

Why Long-Term Funding Makes Sense

2017-12-19T18:45:27+00:00April 29, 2015|SHE Magazine, Women’s poverty|

Women with hands upImagine if a business was forced to shut down and restart its operations every year. The owners would have to fire their staff, turn away their customers, and lock their doors. Then, after a few weeks or months, they’d start all over again: restocking shelves, rehiring and training new staff, and trying to win back customers. Clearly, that’s no way to run a business. Yet thousands of nonprofit organizations across Canada rely on year-to-year funding contracts to run their programs, often forcing staff to cancel programs only months after launching them.

You are Already a Role Model. But Are You a Good One?

2017-12-19T18:51:02+00:00December 2, 2014|Empowering girls|

UnselfieTalk about a wake-up call.

Recently I was looking for quotes to feature in SHE magazine and came across this punch-in-the-gut comment from Gloria Steinem: “Every time any of us walks past a mirror and denigrates our own appearance, a girl is watching and getting her self-estimate from that.”

Gulp. How often have I done THAT?

Whether we realize it or not, every day girls are watching us to learn what it means to be a woman.