About Jessica Howard

Jessica Howard is Manager, Content and Web at the Canadian Women’s Foundation. Having worked as a journalist, blogger, content strategist and university instructor, she believes that storytelling is key to social change. As a mother of two sons, she is also highly knowledgeable about Lego, Star Wars and Superheroes.

Don’t Let Speaking Out be a Taboo

2022-01-04T19:57:03+00:00May 6, 2014|Gender-based violence|

One Billion Rising This post originally appeared on Huffington Post, as part of Mina;s ongoing blog series dedicated to raising awarness about the issues facing women and girls in Canada. 

Rise Up! Speak Out! Stand Up!”

Earlier this week, I heard women and men from across Canada screaming this at a One Billion Rising event in Toronto. Women and men coming together to speak up about violence and abuse towards women; to stand up for women’s safety and to demand that domestic violence and sexual assault stops.

And I was inspired.

Do We Still Need International Women’s Day?

2022-01-04T16:08:24+00:00March 8, 2014|Corporate, Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, Human trafficking, Sexual abuse, Women’s poverty|

communityThis was originally published on Huffington Post as part of Mina's new ongoing blog to raise awareness about issues affecting women and girls in Canada.

Before the end of today, you might notice a few small media stories mentioning that it’s International Women’s Day. If you’re like many Canadians, you might wonder why we still need a day like this, especially in a country like ours.