Who’s afraid of consent?

2015-09-08T15:48:46+00:00September 8, 2015|Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, Sexual abuse|

GetConsent.caWhat do haircuts, fries with gravy, and heavy metal bands have to do with consent? Everything.

You tell the hairdresser: “Just a trim, please.” You get the worst hair day ever.  

You ask for some gravy on your fries. You get a bucket of it. All over your table.

You mention it might be nice to have music at your birthday party. You get the band from hell.

You’d never think such simple requests would lead to such disaster, but that’s exactly what happens in this new video from the Canadian Women’s Foundation’s Get Consent campaign.

How to help girls feel connected

2017-12-19T17:37:27+00:00September 3, 2015|Empowering girls, How to, SHE Magazine|

Five girls Do you ever worry your daughter spends too much time texting friends? Maybe you wish she would spend more time with the family or take up a new hobby or sport.

Every parent wants their child to have a healthy balance of interests. But how can we tell when they’re on track, and how do we help when they’re not?

One of the best ways is to ensure girls have a variety of “connection points,” including family, friends, school, community activities, and personal interests. Focusing too much on just one connection, narrows her sources of validation. If she loses this connection, she becomes at risk of feeling overwhelmed or losing her sense of identity. By helping girls develop multiple ways to connect, they become more resilient and learn to buffer themselves from potential losses.

How to help your teen recognize unhealthy online relationships

2017-12-19T17:38:26+00:00August 12, 2015|Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, How to|

Teens taking selfieFor anyone who knows a teenager, it won’t come as a shock that one quarter of kids age 13 to 17 are online “almost constantly.”

A lot of that time is spent communicating with friends and peers: texting, Instagramming and Snapchatting. And for parents, a lot of that communication goes unseen and unheard.

Although parents can’t possibly monitor all of their children’s online interactions, they can help set the tone for healthy online relationships.

Finding Body Confidence and Living Life Out Loud

2017-12-19T17:38:39+00:00August 10, 2015|Empowering girls, Guest bloggers, Women in media|

Woman reflectingMost mornings, I look in my bathroom mirror and say, “I’m a big bright burning star and I’m gonna shine forever!” The reality is some mornings I may not believe it but I say it anyway. It’s my chance to cloak myself in love and assurance before I walk into the world, playing the leading role in my one-woman show. Even when I’m uncertain, channeling confidence and taking informed risks inspires me to live boldly.

That’s my body confidence.