Five ways parents can teach healthy relationship skills

2017-12-19T18:40:29+00:00May 22, 2015|Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, How to|

Girl smilingYou’re 14 and you’re at a party. A group of friends come up to you and one pulls out a cigarette. “Wanna smoke?” she asks, as she lights up and starts passing it around.

You don’t want to get in trouble for smoking. But you also don’t want to get “unfriended” for not smoking.

How do you respond? How do you teach your children to respond?

This is the kind of question participants discuss in the teen healthy relationships programs that are funded by the Canadian Women’s Foundation. The programs teach strategies for developing boundaries, empathy, assertiveness and conflict resolution -- skills that parents can also teach at home.

Media: The Other Parent

2022-01-14T19:31:56+00:00April 27, 2015|Empowering girls, SHE Magazine|

Girl reading magazineCHALLENGE: Research shows that when girls are constantly exposed to sexualized, unrealistic media images of women, their self-confidence is undermined and they become highly critical of their bodies.

SOLUTION: Help girls to question these images by enrolling them in a media literacy program. These after-school programs teach girls to learn to recognize gender stereotypes in TV shows, movies, video games, advertising, and music videos, and to build a more positive self-image.

A Mentor Can Help Girls to Dream Bigger and Believe in Themselves

2017-12-19T18:55:30+00:00March 7, 2015|Corporate, Empowering girls|

Girl holding a butterflyFor young girls today, it isn’t always easy. Dreaming about the future can seem limited by messages from the media and society that tell girls who and how they should be. Against all of these pressures, it can be difficult for a girl to embrace her curiosity or independence. Many girls struggle to believe in themselves and to know that they matter.

Fortunately, girls in Toronto’s Thorncliffe community are learning to dream beyond these limits.

You are Already a Role Model. But Are You a Good One?

2017-12-19T18:51:02+00:00December 2, 2014|Empowering girls|

UnselfieTalk about a wake-up call.

Recently I was looking for quotes to feature in SHE magazine and came across this punch-in-the-gut comment from Gloria Steinem: “Every time any of us walks past a mirror and denigrates our own appearance, a girl is watching and getting her self-estimate from that.”

Gulp. How often have I done THAT?

Whether we realize it or not, every day girls are watching us to learn what it means to be a woman.