Empowering Teens to Date Safely Online

2016-02-10T13:50:59+00:00February 10, 2016|Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, Guest bloggers, How to|

Teens taking selfieAs we raise our children, we strive to teach them healthy ways to handle peer pressure, to be thoughtful and respectful of others, and to navigate the world of relationships. However, our children are not growing up in the same world we did. Raising sons and daughters in the digital age can be very rewarding, but as our children take their friendships and dating online, parents need to address a host of new issues with their kids to help them have safe and healthy relationships in the virtual world.

Teens and Online Dating

During adolescence, the desire to form independent relationships outside of family is strong and an important part of maturing into adulthood. It’s only natural that our children, who expertly use the Internet and social media to connect daily, turn to the digital world to find or enhance these relationships too.

Self-Esteem 101: Dey Ain’t No Betta Than You

2017-12-19T17:21:51+00:00January 21, 2016|Empowering girls, Guest bloggers|

Anjulie standing with her motherShe grabbed my boney little brown biceps, shook me, looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Dey ain’t no betta than you!”

“Listen and hear,” she said sternly, because as we all know those are two completely different things. “Dey ain’t no betta than you!”

My mother, who speaks English perfectly, will unleash her Guyanese accent when giving a piece of epic advice. I could barely listen or hear between hysterical snotty sobs, but some of her strength must have seeped into my subconscious because all these years later I can still smell her French body cream and the cherrywood in her bedroom.

What the Hashtag: 2015 in Review

2016-01-05T15:10:52+00:00January 5, 2016|Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, Weekly roundup, What the Hashtag|

Woman with thought bubble2015 was a year of progress on gender equality and women’s rights in Canada.

Inclusive Leadership

We voted for the #countrywewant and elected a record number of women in the federal election (#elxn42), ending the year with a gender-equal parliament and a feminist Prime Minister. While many tried to discredit this overdue move toward gender parity in government as affirmative action without merit, the women appointed as ministers are more than qualified.

Day 10: Learning to Love Gender Diversity

2017-12-19T17:25:20+00:00December 4, 2015|Empowering girls, Gender-based violence|

Non-binary womanThere is a diversity of gender in our world! Diversity as in many, many more than two. Gender as in how one self-defines as perhaps a woman, man, both, neither or something else entirely, and as distinctly different from sex or sexuality.  

Gender diversity is amazing! There are a zillion sorts of identities, expressions, bodies, voices, preferences, styles, and haircuts. Like many amazing things, gender diversity can also be confusing, especially for folks who maybe realized a little more recently than others that there are these zillion sorts. People often have some burning questions in the early days, like:

  • What do I call people?
  • How do I recognize who is like me and who is different?
  • How can I relate to people when I don’t know what they are?
  • What if I offend someone?