Gender Inequality? This is Still a Thing? You Bet Your Ass It Is

2018-06-28T14:55:00+00:00March 1, 2016|Corporate, Empowering girls, Guest bloggers, How to, Women’s poverty|

Woman speaking into megaphoneThis blog post was originally published on the Realfword.

A couple years ago I took 10 young female managers from my company to a leadership session hosted by WXN (Women’s Executive Network) for female leaders. That year, I had the honour of being awarded one of Canada’s top 100 most Powerful Women, and on the day of the gala awards they hosted a symposium for women. I was excited that the team of female managers/leaders I took had the opportunity to listen to successful female leaders on a variety of topics.

Inspired leadership for women and girls in the Yukon

2017-12-19T17:13:51+00:00February 24, 2016|Guest bloggers, How to, Impact stories|

Hillary AitkinThis profile was originally published on the Coady International Institute’s website.

For Hillary Aitken, a graduate of the Canadian Women’s Foundation Leadership Institute at the Coady International Institute, co-managing the Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre (VFWC) in Whitehorse while raising a bubbly and bright two year old are keeping her very busy, but she is ready for her next foray into a post-secondary program.  Aitken says her experience working through the Leadership Institute helped position her for a masters degree in community development.  She has applied to the program in Victoria, B.C. and we have no doubt she will approach this next endeavor with the same commitment and skill as she did in her time with the Coady Institute.

It Starts With Us

2016-02-18T15:44:33+00:00February 18, 2016|Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, Guest bloggers, How to, Women in media|

Woman reading bookIt seems to me that as feminists we often shy away from any suggestions of what women can do to improve our circumstances, as though conversations of that nature are tantamount to victim blaming. Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In is dismissed as “faux feminism”, and even beloved Jennifer Lawrence caught heat for acknowledging the role she feels she played in the wage gap between herself and her male counterparts.  

I get where this resistance comes from, and I know it’s ultimately a good place. As women we’ve spent so much of our lives being defined as an ‘other’ and told that the injustices of the world stem from our inherent inferiority, rather than the flawed world we live in. The suggestion that we are holding ourselves back is uncomfortable, to say the least, but I think it is important to consider.

Empowering Teens to Date Safely Online

2016-02-10T13:50:59+00:00February 10, 2016|Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, Guest bloggers, How to|

Teens taking selfieAs we raise our children, we strive to teach them healthy ways to handle peer pressure, to be thoughtful and respectful of others, and to navigate the world of relationships. However, our children are not growing up in the same world we did. Raising sons and daughters in the digital age can be very rewarding, but as our children take their friendships and dating online, parents need to address a host of new issues with their kids to help them have safe and healthy relationships in the virtual world.

Teens and Online Dating

During adolescence, the desire to form independent relationships outside of family is strong and an important part of maturing into adulthood. It’s only natural that our children, who expertly use the Internet and social media to connect daily, turn to the digital world to find or enhance these relationships too.