What the Hashtag: Efforts to #DenyRooshV & Build #ConsentCulture in Canada

2017-12-19T17:37:39+00:00August 31, 2015|Gender-based violence, Sexual abuse, What the Hashtag, Women in media|

Woman with thought bubbleAugust’s online activism was all about #consent.

The month started with the unfortunate emergence of pickup artist, Roosh V, and a widely shared petition to ban him from visiting Canada. The petition didn’t keep him out but it did get people talking, and #DenyRooshV became a rallying cry for those opposed to his pro-rape message.

Sex-trafficking Roundtable: A First for Atlantic Canada

2023-05-29T19:09:37+00:00July 21, 2015|Gender-based violence, Human trafficking, Sexual abuse|

Denise John speaks at sex-trafficking roundtable (Photo: Denise John, Victim Support Navigator at the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre in Halifax, was one of the participants at the Canadian Women’s Foundation’s recent roundtable discussion on sex trafficking.)

Windsor, Nova Scotia, is known as the “birthplace of hockey” and is famous for its giant pumpkins. The population of the town, which is an hour from Halifax, is around 3,700.

When veteran officer Luc Côté got stationed at the Windsor RCMP detachment in April, it was “a bit shocking” to learn his colleagues were working on a sex-trafficking case.

Alcohol is not an excuse for sexual violence

2017-12-19T18:42:05+00:00May 11, 2015|Gender-based violence, Guest bloggers, Sexual abuse|

Woman looking awayRight in the midst of planning this year’s Sexualized Assault Prevention Month campaign in Whitehorse, the verdict in the Cindy Gladue case came out from Alberta. We all know the details by now: a 36 year old mother of two bled to death in an Edmonton hotel room and the jury acquitted her murderer, agreeing with his explanation that they had engaged in consensual rough sex.

There are many conversations, actions, and public demonstrations that blossomed out of this unjust decision.

From Victim to Mentor

2022-01-14T19:41:21+00:00April 15, 2015|Gender-based violence, Sexual abuse, Women’s poverty|

Elizabeth sitting at a beachAs a young girl, Elizabeth Correia never expected she would one day publish a book and run her own business.

Born and raised in a low-income neighbourhood in the northeast end of Toronto, she grew up in a household where physical, sexual, and emotional violence was the norm. Her father was an alcoholic and often abused Elizabeth and her sister before they were placed in foster care.