What African (Black) History Month Means to Me

2019-02-21T19:23:40+00:00February 16, 2017|Women in media|

Young women huggingFor most of my adult life, every February I have celebrated and commemorated African (Black) History month with family and friends at community and organizational events across the country. It’s been a precious time to learn of the contributions of African Canadians in the past up to the present, reflect and appreciate their legacy, and instill a strong sense of pride in the minds and hearts of young people, African Canadian youth in particular, most of whom have been unaware of the positive impact of their ancestors and present day heroes on the larger Canadian society.

This message is brought to you by #GirlPowered!

2017-12-19T16:34:18+00:00February 8, 2017|Empowering girls, Women in media|

Girl Powered Girl Council choose their favourite girlpowered messagesThe girl council has spoken!

A cross-Canadian group of girls has shortlisted the most powerful messages from the 1,500 submitted to girlpowered.ca. But, given the sheer volume and awesomeness of the submissions, it wasn’t an easy task.

“How am I going to pick?” asked Brenna, 12, as she and her fellow council members began poring over pages of messages, including “Follow your dreams, even the wild ones” and “Be the girl you look up to.”

How to Disregard Criticism by Applying the “Reasonable Man” Test

2017-12-19T16:36:29+00:00January 18, 2017|Corporate, Guest bloggers, How to, Women in media|

Woman in blazer standing outsideThis post was originally published by Informed Opinions’.

Celebrated American poet and critic, Ezra Pound, in his considered advice to beginning poets offered the following advice: “Pay no attention to the criticism of men who have never themselves written a notable work.”

But he could have been speaking to female opinionators a century later. So many of the trolls who trash women daring to comment in prominent places “have never themselves written a notable work.”

Uplifting Bodies, Amplifying Voices

2017-12-19T16:49:26+00:00October 20, 2016|Guest bloggers, Women in media|

BCCAs iconEveryBODY has a story and a purpose – and on October 6, the 4th annual Body Confidence Canada Awards (BCCAs) brought together a diverse and inclusive community to recognize 11 outstanding champions of body positivity, equity and diversity!

This year’s recipients truly embodied what body confidence is all about. From body activism to human rights, education, arts and entertainment, health and wellness to fashion with a social conscience, recipients are role models who are leading the way toward a world where body-shaming does not win.