The Big Question: When it Comes to Outspoken Women, Who’s Your Role Model?

2017-12-19T16:55:04+00:00August 9, 2016|Impact stories, SHE Magazine, Women in media|

Question markThe theme of our first issue of SHE magazine was "finding our voice", so we invited members of the Canadian Women’s Foundation community to tell us about an outspoken woman who inspired them.

Read their answers, then tell us about a trailblazing woman who inspired you!


Thoughts on Raising Girls: The Importance of Agency and Anger

2017-12-19T16:58:52+00:00June 9, 2016|Empowering girls, Guest bloggers, Women in media|

Young couple sitting on groundA few different items recently making the rounds on social media have been drawing my attention as both a feminist and a parent. You might have seen this video featuring a Scottish dad having a spirited exchange with his 4-year-old daughter on the subject of boyfriends. In the video we see the dad threatening to "break the legs" of any future boyfriend. Dad is also, apparently, going to hold future boyfriend’s family members "hostage in a cupboard" and is seen telling his daughter that she is "going to be a nun" and not have any boyfriends at all. Initially, I assumed that this video was being shared disapprovingly. But then I realized that the narrative from all of the posts sharing the video was Oh look at this dad and his cute daughter! How FUNNY. This fills me with unease. How funny is it really to replay these tired old tropes of fathers owning their daughters' bodies and seeing boys as nothing other than threats to their daughters' "virtue"?

Got Body Confidence?

2016-06-02T12:47:25+00:00June 2, 2016|Empowering girls, Guest bloggers, Women in media|

Body Confidence Canada Awards posterThe 4th annual Body Confidence Canada Awards (BCCAs) will take place on October 6, 2016, in Toronto, ON.

The BCCAs are an opportunity to publicly celebrate people who are at the forefront of the body positivity movement in Canada. BCCAs acknowledge champions of body diversity and body equity! EveryBODY has a story and the BCCAs provide a platform for us to share them. If you’ve got a particular story to share let us know today! Nominations are open until July 1. 

Edelman Gets Consent

2016-05-14T13:00:28+00:00May 14, 2016|Gender-based violence, Sexual abuse, SHE Magazine, Women in media|

Edelman teamThe challenge: Create a thought-provoking campaign about sexual consent that grabs young people’s attention and gets shared across Canada. In six weeks. With a slim budget.

While many would balk at such a proposition, public relations firm Edelman took it on. They created the award-winning Get Consent campaign for the Canadian Women’s Foundation and surpassed all expectations.

“It was an opportunity to help shape awareness about consent and challenge people’s thinking,” says Erin Jacobson, Vice-President, Digital Public Affairs at Edelman in Toronto.