Debt Struggles Create a Burden of Comparative Poverty for Women

2017-12-19T17:37:59+00:00August 19, 2015|Guest bloggers, Infographics, Women’s poverty|

Woman in black and whiteIt’s not just a low income that creates the burden of struggling to make ends meet. A recent study by my firm, Hoyes, Michalos & Associates Inc., shows that women are increasingly turning to debt as a way to survive on a modest income, often to their detriment.

Not surprisingly, almost half of all insolvency filings are made by women.  What is alarming is that women have to turn to bankruptcy for significantly lower debts. In fact, women are filing bankruptcy with debts that are one-third less than that of male insolvent debtors. 

Teens and the search for social privacy online

2017-12-19T17:40:51+00:00July 16, 2015|Empowering girls, Guest bloggers, Infographics|

Mother with daughterAs a mother of teenagers, I often stress about everything and anything. I worry about car problems, school grades, crushes, and dangers trolling the online world. Needless to say, I have spent many sleepless nights surfing the Internet reading horror stories about teens’ risky behaviours that have a tragic ending.

I know…I shouldn’t do this to myself.

In my quest to keep our children safe, I have often struggled with respecting our children’s privacy. On one hand, I want to go mama bear and ward off all potential predators to maintain safety at all costs. However, I know that privacy is needed and valued by our sons and daughters.

Women’s poverty is everyone’s business

2022-01-19T17:12:33+00:00July 2, 2015|Infographics, SHE Magazine, Women’s poverty|

Woman at windowIs poverty a problem in a well-off country like Canada? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Especially for women.

Although Canada is a relatively wealthy country, about 1 in 10 Canadians are living on a low income, and 1.5 million of those living on a low income are women. As the infographic below shows, the incidence of poverty is even higher for particular groups of women.

There are two main reasons women tend to be poorer than men:

How Wrap-Around Supports Tackle 9 Big Problems Women Face

2017-12-19T17:42:04+00:00June 29, 2015|Infographics, SHE Magazine, Women’s poverty|

9 Big Problems InfographicWomen living on a low income face many barriers to financial stability and independence. When childcare arrangements fall apart or there’s not enough money to pay a dental bill, a woman can find it difficult to finish an economic development program, even when she’s worked hard to earn a spot.

The Canadian Women’s Foundation invests in 3 kinds of women’s economic development programs, focusing on skilled trades, self-employment and social purpose enterprises.