What was your most empowered decision? 9 women share theirs

2017-12-19T17:33:51+00:00October 13, 2015|Corporate, SHE Magazine|

Question MarkThe theme of our latest issue of SHE magazine is empowered decisions. So we invited members of the Canadian Women’s Foundation community to tell us about a decision that made them feel bold, courageous, and independent!

Take a look, be inspired, then tell us about your own empowered decision in the comments section!

How to help girls feel connected

2017-12-19T17:37:27+00:00September 3, 2015|Empowering girls, How to, SHE Magazine|

Five girls Do you ever worry your daughter spends too much time texting friends? Maybe you wish she would spend more time with the family or take up a new hobby or sport.

Every parent wants their child to have a healthy balance of interests. But how can we tell when they’re on track, and how do we help when they’re not?

One of the best ways is to ensure girls have a variety of “connection points,” including family, friends, school, community activities, and personal interests. Focusing too much on just one connection, narrows her sources of validation. If she loses this connection, she becomes at risk of feeling overwhelmed or losing her sense of identity. By helping girls develop multiple ways to connect, they become more resilient and learn to buffer themselves from potential losses.

Women’s poverty is everyone’s business

2022-01-19T17:12:33+00:00July 2, 2015|Infographics, SHE Magazine, Women’s poverty|

Woman at windowIs poverty a problem in a well-off country like Canada? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Especially for women.

Although Canada is a relatively wealthy country, about 1 in 10 Canadians are living on a low income, and 1.5 million of those living on a low income are women. As the infographic below shows, the incidence of poverty is even higher for particular groups of women.

There are two main reasons women tend to be poorer than men:

How Wrap-Around Supports Tackle 9 Big Problems Women Face

2017-12-19T17:42:04+00:00June 29, 2015|Infographics, SHE Magazine, Women’s poverty|

9 Big Problems InfographicWomen living on a low income face many barriers to financial stability and independence. When childcare arrangements fall apart or there’s not enough money to pay a dental bill, a woman can find it difficult to finish an economic development program, even when she’s worked hard to earn a spot.

The Canadian Women’s Foundation invests in 3 kinds of women’s economic development programs, focusing on skilled trades, self-employment and social purpose enterprises.