Statement from the Canadian Women’s Foundation regarding accusations brought against Michael Kimmel

2018-08-17T18:54:57+00:00August 3, 2016|Gender-based violence|

Michael KimmelWith his contagious sense of humour and optimism, Michael Kimmel aims to engage men in gender equality, making the case that it will benefit men as well as women.

He is the SUNY Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at Stony Brook University in New York, and the author of more than 20 books including Manhood in America, Angry White Menand the bestseller Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men.

As keynote speaker at this year’s Canadian Women’s Foundation Breakfasts, Michael will bring his message to Toronto on October 26 and Calgary on October 28.

Why We Ask – Teaching Consent

2017-12-19T16:55:44+00:00July 26, 2016|Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, Guest bloggers, How to, Sexual abuse|

Couple sitting in parkThis post was originally published on the Klinic’s blog.

This evening I am again sitting in on a SERC youth session at Peaceful Village, this time at a south end Winnipeg high school. As I mentioned in a previous post, Peaceful Village offers programming that supports integration and literacy for newcomer families and youth, and our partnership with them is funded by the Canadian Women’s Foundation. To learn more please read my first blog on this partnership, Healthy Relationships Start Young.

This is week 9 of the 12 week session and Bre, one of our Sexuality & Reproductive Health Facilitators, invited me to attend because she is so impressed by the thoughtfulness and exuberance of this unique group. In fact, she tells me, last week one of the students started a discussion on the idealization of masculinity and how it affects male youth–this is clearly a young man after my own heart.  Today we are talking about consent.

Ghostbusters group uses its powers for good

2017-12-19T16:55:54+00:00July 21, 2016|Uncategorized|

Dressed in khaki jumpsuits and wielding replica proton packs, a group of Ghostbusters super fans have spent the last decade raising money for various causes.

This year, to celebrate the release of the new Ghostbusters movie and its stacked cast of women, The Ontario Ghostbusters have generously decided to raise funds for The Canadian Women’s Foundation. 

For Brily Lepine, one of the costuming group’s co-presidents, the decision to support women and girls across the country was a no-brainer. Although the film reboot has received hateful and sexist backlash, The Ontario Ghostbusters are committed to using the movie’s momentum to do something good. 

Attention Mothers: You Matter

2016-07-19T09:00:23+00:00July 19, 2016|Guest bloggers, How to|

Mother with childIt feels like a radical approach to parenting to say this, but mother’s lives are just as important as children’s lives. Parenting takes a focus on the child, and once you become a parent, parenting becomes a full time occupation. So where do a mother’s needs fit into all of this? Maslow’s hierarchy of needs applies equally to mothers as it does to anyone else. I encourage you to take a moment and say it out loud: “I am as important as my children, my needs matter.” Let it be your mantra.

I can safely assume that most people will agree with the mantra. Of course you matter. But when is the last time that you took a critical look at your day, your week or your month and said yes there is sufficient “me” time in my schedule?

Our children’s health and wellbeing becomes our focus, and rightfully so, but this should not be at the expense of our own health and wellbeing. From the moment I became a mother my life became a shadow my children’s. Their needs became more important than mine, more immediate, more demanding. It was a gradual progression. And it’s something many mothers struggle with.