I throw like a girl, I run like a girl, I speak up like a girl – and I’m proud!

2022-01-04T20:17:57+00:00June 30, 2014|Empowering girls, What the Hashtag|

Girl playing in school yardIt’s not every day that you watch an online corporate campaign and think to yourself: “They’ve nailed it!” This is what I said after seeing the new Always campaign, ‘Like A Girl’.  It powerfully captures everyday sexism that plagues our cultural perceptions of gender and disempowers girls at a young age to believe they are weaker than boys.

Before I delve deeper into this topic, watch the campaign video for yourself here.

Do We Still Need International Women’s Day?

2022-01-04T16:08:24+00:00March 8, 2014|Corporate, Empowering girls, Gender-based violence, Human trafficking, Sexual abuse, Women’s poverty|

communityThis was originally published on Huffington Post as part of Mina's new ongoing blog to raise awareness about issues affecting women and girls in Canada.

Before the end of today, you might notice a few small media stories mentioning that it’s International Women’s Day. If you’re like many Canadians, you might wonder why we still need a day like this, especially in a country like ours.

How to Nurture Resilience in Girls

2022-01-04T15:01:21+00:00October 8, 2013|Empowering girls, How to, SHE Magazine|

Girl in science

With International Day of the Girl approaching on October 11, the time is perfect to talk about how we can all work to develop resilience in the girls in our life.

Resilience is the ability to “bounce back” from problems. It allows us to deal with life’s many challenges and to recover from trauma. Girls who lack resilience often have low self-esteem, are emotionally vulnerable and easily influenced by others, accept mistreatment, and find it difficult to cope with problems or to see that solutions are within their grasp.